Monday, September 20, 2010

The Hunger Games Chapter 6 Questions

2. What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?
1. What is an Avox? How does Katniss know the Avox?

They might figure out the things they are good at. Or figure out
what there weaknesses are.. But if they train together  They can
help each other with strategies. Or make a plan to kill the other
tributes faster.

He said his father loved the squirrels she brings him because she doesn't pierce the body.He says hopes he like how he shoots it in the
eye. He says she can even bring down a deer.   

3. What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale?
 Career tributes are the tributes who actually train  there whole life for the hunger games. There a threat
because they already know how to kill now. They now how to
defend themselves. Know how  to handle
deadly weapons. And could already be in good shape.
Important Quotes

''I asked Cinna why they let us up here. Weren't they worried that some of the tributes might decide to jump right over the side" (pg 81)
 2 "Have you been to the roof yet." pg 80
3 "No, my friend Gale. Suddenly all the birds stop singing at once." pg 82
4 "You do have the sense that we might be under surveillance here."pg 80

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